Valor Mission Project
To serve veterans, first responders, and their family members by providing scholarships for empowerment resources and programs. Valor Mission Project is a 501(c)(3) EIN: 84-3354057
Quick Facts
- Approx 1.2 Million Active Duty Service Members (Census)
- Approx 778K Reserve Members (Census)
- Approx 18 Million Veterans, 7% of adult population in US (VA)
- 11-20% OIF/OEF Veterans have PTS(D) (VA)
- 12% Desert Storm Veterans have PTS(D) (VA)
- 30% Vietnam War Veterans have PTS(D) (VA)
- 18-20 Veterans die by suicide every day in the US (VA)
- 2000-2021 450K Service Members & Veterans have sustained a TBI (CDC)

Boot’n & Shoot’n
Boot’n & Shoot’n is our flagship event to get involved and give back to our military veterans. This full day of events begins with a morning sporting clay shoot for 90 4-person shooting teams, each paired with a military veteran teammate. After the shooting course, the after-party kicks off with lunch provided by the event lunch sponsor, followed by a raffle and live auction. The event finishes with a live concert, and the honoring of special military guests.
Boot’n & Shoot’n has been called “The Most Patriotic Day in Texas”. Find out more at https://bootshoot.com
Make a difference.
Join hands with the Valor Mission Project to tangibly improve the quality of life for deserving veterans.
Valor Mission Project
5160 Tennyson Pkwy Suite 1000
Plano, TX 75024